Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spirituality of Loving


Sex, Molley, Hotdog & Soda

Life is an Orgasm

Jan 25, 2012

Saying For Today: Repression of the physical is repression of Spirit. Expression of the physical is expression of Spirit, of God, of Goddess.


An Interspiritual-Interfaith Work
of Arem Nahariim-Samadhi

All is welcome here...

Nude me

*Nude me, Liam Wilde, Flickr

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

Today, Arem offers a brief teaching video, allowing space for three of his poem-videos. The first and third are presented here in revised form, from previous postings. The second is a revised poem-video that is posted here and at other Lotus of the Heart venues for the first time. If you enjoy these, they are posted at Facebook for the public, at Arem Nahariim-Samadhi and, also, Brian Kenneth Wilcox, as well as at the group Lotus of the Heart.

I'm seeking to use the body as a bridge to Spirit, while not denying body is an extension, or expression, of Spirit. Thus, my hope is to help persons see the illusion of the separation, and the wholeness and healing in the return to body. Sadly, due to culture and religion, many, many persons are alienated from the very body they live with daily. However, also, I see the physical as a less subtle form of Spirit, and, at death the subtle body leaves, while the physical body reprocesses within the domain of physical nature. We have chosen to take on the physical, as a tool of our evolution, for when we will no longer need such a form. This is my understanding, and this is why I don't mind using sexual images and nudity as part of my work. If such shocks some persons, possibly it might wake them up to consider that there is not one logical reason to see the body and sex as anything less than holy, beautiful, and loving. Repression of the physical is repression of Spirit. Expression of the physical is expression of Spirit, of God, of Goddess. ♥



Arem uses words of Osho to speak of the need of woman for sensuality, in contrast to merely sexuality. For woman, orgasmic joy is a whole-body, whole-being experience, not merely sex, intercourse, or what is commonly called orgasm. Arem says of this video, 'It's likely my favorite of all I've done, not only due to the music and images, but it expresses the embracing of body and sensuality, which was repressed in the culture and religion of my childhood, which I was in until my mid-40s. The video points to a sexual freedom and appreciation of body that was partly why I removed myself from that religion. Years before I left, I was already, of course without the sanction of the religion, reclaiming both my body and sexuality in a dissidence that was a great risk to my career. But the risk was well worth it! Now, sex to me is the celebration of Life, is Joy, is Laughter, is truly Beautiful and Godly. And no religious or political institution has a right to teach the repression of body and sex. Sex can be as holy as any ritual of any religion. Sex can be a self-transcending of Loving Worship.' After revising this video, from several weeks before, "Her Orgasmic Joy..." began immediately getting more hits than any posted before, and within a half day had almost reached the number the previous version had received.


Poet Arem Nahariim-Samadhi integrates music, color, and lyrics in this love poem, which can be applied to a human lover or the Divine Lover, however one understands that.

♥ ing


Poet Arem Nahariim-Samadhi shares anther video-poem with music and images to evoke the sense of Loving, either human to human, or human toward the Divine.

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Sunrise through the Forest

*Sunrise through the Forest, Scott Withers, Flickr



The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

OM Shanti Shanti Shanti OM

ŠArem Nahariim-Samadhi, 1.25.12. Arem can be contacted at 77ahavah77@gmail.com .


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Spirituality of Loving

©Brian Wilcox 2024